Feed company bails on previous generic identity

In summary New logo and free delivery help differentiate feed-and-hay service appealing to farmers and livestock breeders alike.

Agricultural logo design has been lately on our radar. Blake Haley, the eponymous “Blake” in Kittrell, NC-based Blake’s Feed & Hay, set up a meeting with Strategic Insights because he was frustrated working in a commodity-driven industry. To hear Blake tell it, hay is hay (we’ve also heard hay is for horses, but that’s another matter), feed is feed, and in the end, those items aren’t what distinguishes one provider from another. Service, though, that’s a differentiator. And free delivery? Now we’re talking! Through the years, Blake has listened to his customers, and they’ve remarked time and again how his brand of service and his reliable delivery keep them coming back–or rather, keep Blake coming to them.

Strategic Insights worked up an introductory brand platform for Blake, including his first-ever visual identity (seen here). From a range of choices that ran from the traditional to the contemporary, Blake (with some help from his family) chose a strong, masculine logo that keeps one foot in the 20th century while maintaining a steady gaze on the horizon. And if we know Blake, that horizon is probably a field of grain ready to be harvested. He’s already used it around North Carolina at various agricultural events, such as the NC State Fair and other competitions, and he’s gotten very positive FEED-back. (We couldn’t resist.)